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About Flanger

A flanger effect is an audio effect commonly used in music production to create a unique and swirling sound. It is achieved by duplicating the original audio signal and slightly delaying one of the copies. The delayed copy is then modulated in time, creating a sweeping effect that resembles the sound of a jet plane or a spaceship taking off. The most common parameters of a flanger effect include the speed or rate of modulation, which determines how fast the sweeping effect occurs, and the depth, which controls the intensity of the effect. Additionally, the feedback parameter adjusts the amount of the delayed signal that is fed back into the effect, creating a more pronounced or subtle flanging effect. The mix parameter allows for blending the original and flanged signals, enabling the user to control the overall balance of the effect in the mix.

Switchboard Editor example

Code Example

"nodes": {
{ "id": "flangerNode", "type": "Superpowered.Flanger" }
"connections": {
{ "sourceNode": "inputNode", "destinationNode": "flangerNode" },
{ "sourceNode": "flangerNode", "destinationNode": "outputNode" }